Graduate Education

The MPI for Human Development provides many opportunities for predocs. Among others, the two International Max Planck Research Schools at the Institute as well as the Max Planck School of Cognition provide an excellent training context.

Logo Max Planck UCL Centre, COMP2PSYCH
The International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) COMP2PSYCH was established in early 2016 and serves as the graduate program of the Max Planck UCL Centre for Computational Psychiatry and Ageing Research. In London, the students are based at University College London (UCL); in Berlin, they are based at the MPI for Human Development and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. COMP2PSYCH teaches and trains concepts and methods from computer science and statistics in relation to substantive research questions in psychiatry and lifespan psychology. more
The International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) LIFE is all about the development of human behavior from infancy to old age. LIFE is a joint international PhD program of the MPI for Human Development, Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, the University of Michigan, the University of Virginia, and the University of Zurich. LIFE was established in 2002 and reached the nominal maximum period of 18 years of funding by the Max Planck Society in 2019. Upon positive review, a new six-year funding period started in 2020, with continued involvement of all four sites. more
Logo Max Planck School of Cognition
The MPI for Human Development is participating in one of the three existing Max Planck Schools, namely the Max Planck School of Cognition (MPSCog). The school is coordinated by the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig, and has its Berlin hub at the MPI for Human Development’s Max Planck Dahlem Campus of Cognition. Ralph Hertwig, Ulman Lindenberger, and Iyad Rahwan are faculty members of the school.  more
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