Publications of the Institute 2020-2022/23

References accepted before 6 October 2023
For more recent publications, see the MPIB website (Publications & Resources)

Journal Article (1078)

Journal Article
Buchberger, E., Brandmaier, A. M., Lindenberger, U., Werkle-Bergner, M., & Ngo, C. T. (in press). The process structure of memory abilities in early and middle childhood [Registered Report]. Developmental Science.
Journal Article
Amici, F., Oña, L., & Liebal, K. (2024). Compositionality in primate gestural communication and multicomponent signal displays. International Journal of Primatology, 45, 482–500.
Journal Article
Barua, R. (2024). Tall tales and half-truths: Negotiating anxiety and precarity in contemporary Ahmedabad. The Oral History Review, 51(1), 30–46.
Journal Article
Baumert, J., Becker, M., Jansen, M., & Köller, O. (2024). Cultural identity and the academic, social, and psychological adjustment of adolescents with immigration background. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 53, 294–315.
Journal Article
Bonnefon, J.-F., Rahwan, I., & Shariff, A. (2024). The moral psychology of artificial intelligence. Annual Review of Psychology, 75, 653–675.
Journal Article
Brandmaier, A. M., Ernst, M., & Peikert, A. (2024). Assessing rigor and impact of research software for hiring and promotion in psychology: A comment on Gärtner et al. (2022). Meta-Psychology, 8, Article MP.2023.3715.
Journal Article
Brehm, J., Hoti, L., Sander, M. C., Werkle-Bergner, M., Gampe, A., & Daum, M. M. (2024). Speaker competence affects prefrontal theta and occipital alpha power during selective word learning in preschoolers. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 36(7), 1523–1540.
Journal Article
Buchinger, L., Entringer, T. M., Richter, D., Wagner, G. G., Gerstorf, D., & Bleidorn, W. (2024). Codevelopment of life goals and the Big Five personality traits across adulthood and old age. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 126(2), 346–368.
Journal Article
Collins, R. N., Mandel, D. R., Karvetski, C. W., Wu, C. M., & Nelson, J. D. (2024). The wisdom of the coherent: Improving correspondence with coherence-weighted aggregation. Decision, 11(1), 60–85.
Journal Article
Feddermann, M., Baumert, J., & Möller, J. (2024). A replication study to assess CLIL effects on second language learning in Germany: More than selection and preparation effects? International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 27(2), 173–186.
Journal Article
Florkiewicz, B. N., Oña, L. S., Oña, L., & Campbell, M. W. (2024). Primate socio-ecology shapes the evolution of distinctive facial repertoires. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 138(1), 32–44.
Journal Article
Gigerenzer, G. (2024). AI in an uncertain world: Response to Krueger's review of How to stay smart in a smart world. The American Journal of Psychology, 137(1), 74–77.
Journal Article
Gigerenzer, G. (2024). Psychological AI: Designing algorithms informed by human psychology. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 19(5), 839–848.
Journal Article
Gollwitzer, A., Martel, C., Heinecke, A., & Bargh, J. A. (2024). Deviancy aversion and social norms. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 50(4), 516–532.
Journal Article
Hensums, M., van den Bos, W., Overbeek, G., & Larsen, H. (2024). YouTube vloggers set the stage: How public (non)compliance with COVID‐19 regulations affects adolescents. Journal of Adolescence, 96(3), 429–442.
Journal Article
Hertwig, R., Herzog, S. M., & Kozyreva, A. (2024). Blinding to circumvent human biases: Deliberate ignorance in humans, institutions, and machines. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 19(5), 849–859.
Journal Article
Kanngiesser, P., Sunderarajan, J., & Woike, J. K. (2024). Cheating and the effect of promises in Indian and German children. Child Development, 95(1), 16–23.
Journal Article
Kühn, S., & Gallinat, J. (2024). Environmental neuroscience unravels the pathway from the physical environment to mental health. Nature Mental Health, 2, 263–269.
Journal Article
Leib, M., Köbis, N., Rilke, R. M., Hagens, M., & Irlenbusch, B. (2024). Corrupted by algorithms? How AI-generated and human-written advice shape (dis)honesty. The Economic Journal, 134(658), 766–784.
Journal Article
Newson, M., Zhao, Y., El Zein, M., Sulik, J., Dezecache, G., Deroy, O., & Tunçgenç, B. (2024). Digital contact does not promote wellbeing, but face-to-face contact does: A cross-national survey during the COVID-19 pandemic. New Media & Society, 26(1), 426–449.
Journal Article
Raffington, L., Tanksley, P. T., Vinnik, L., Sabhlok, A., Patterson, M. W., Mallard, T., Malanchini, M., Ayorech, Z., Tucker-Drob, E. M., & Harden, K. P. (2024). Associations of DNA-methylation measures of biological aging with social disparities in child and adolescent mental health. Clinical Psychological Science, 12(4), 551–562.
Journal Article
Ruggeri, A., Stanciu, O., Pelz, M., Gopnik, A., & Schulz, E. (2024). Preschoolers search longer when there is more information to be gained. Developmental Science, 27(1), Article e13411.
Journal Article
Schaaf, J. V., Weidinger, L., Molleman, L., & van den Bos, W. (2024). Test-retest reliability of reinforcement learning parameters. Behavior Research Methods, 56, 4582–4599.
Journal Article
Schröer, F. (2024). Affective entanglements: Human-nonhuman relations in Buddhist ecologies of feeling. Journal of Global Buddhism, 25(1), 27–43.
Journal Article
Senkowski, D., Ziegler, T., Singh, M., Heinz, A., He, J., Silk, T., & Lorenz, R. C. (2024). Assessing inhibitory control deficits in adult ADHD: A systematic review and meta-analysis of the stop-signal task. Neuropsychology Review, 34, 548–567.
Journal Article
Tump, A. N., Deffner, D., Pleskac, T. J., Romanczuk, P., & Kurvers, R. H. J. M. (2024). A cognitive computational approach to social and collective decision-making. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 19(2), 538–551.
Journal Article
Yu, H., Zhou, Y., & Nussberger, A.-M. (2024). Gratitude is morally sensitive. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 50(3), 406–422.
Journal Article
The Forecasting Collaborative [Member of the MPIB: Anton Gollwitzer]. (2023). Insights into the accuracy of social scientists’ forecasts of societal change. Nature Human Behaviour, 7, 484–501.
Journal Article
Adams, Z., Osman, M., Bechlivanidis, C., & Meder, B. (2023). (Why) is misinformation a problem? Perspectives on Psychological Science, 18(6), 1436–1463.
Journal Article
Ahner, H. (2023). Gefühlte Natur und natürliche Gefühle: Wie die ersten Planetarien urbane Natur produzierten und fühlbar machten. Zeitschrift für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft, 119(1), 26–46.
Journal Article
Ahner, H. (2023). Zeigen, Sehenlassen, Fühlen: Die Funktionen des Lichtzeigers im Projektionsplanetarium der 1920er Jahre. Technikgeschichte, 90(3), 203–224.
Journal Article
Anvari, F., Efendić, E., Olsen, J., Arslan, R. C., Elson, M., & Schneider, I. K. (2023). Bias in self-reports: An initial elevation phenomenon. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 14(6), 727–737.
Journal Article
Appelhoff, S., Hertwig, R., & Spitzer, B. (2023). Control over sampling boosts numerical evidence processing in human decisions from experience. Cerebral Cortex, 33(1), 207–221.
Journal Article
Arndt, A. (2023). In search of the migrant child: Entangled histories of childhood across borders [Conference report]. Bulletin of the German Historical Institute, 71, 77–87.
Journal Article
Ascone, L., Wirtz, J., Mellentin, A. I., Kugler, D., Bremer, T., Schadow, F., Hoppe, S., Jebens, C., & Kühn, S. (2023). Transferring the approach avoidance task into virtual reality: A study in patients with alcohol use disorder versus healthy controls. Virtual Reality, 27(3), 2711–2722.
Journal Article
Augustin, J., Bei der Kellen, R., Behrendt, C.-A., Magnussen, C., Terschüren, C., Ascone, L., Kühn, S., Wolf, S., Augustin, M., & Andrees, V. (2023). Associations between a subjective living environment and quality of life among people with arterial hypertension: Results from the Hamburg City Health Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(1), Article 180.
Journal Article
Baeuchl, C., Glöckner, F., Koch, C., Petzold, J., Schuck, N. W., Smolka, M. N., & Li, S.-C. (2023). Dopamine differentially modulates medial temporal lobe activity and behavior during spatial navigation in young and older adults. NeuroImage, 273, Article 120099.
Journal Article
Barua, R., Moine, C., Oberländer, A., & Wambach, J. (2023). Introduction: The global 1970s from a history of emotions perspective. New Global Studies, 17(2), 125–133.
Journal Article
Baumert, J., Jansen, M., Becker, M., Neumann, M., Köller, O., & Maaz, K. (2023). Individually endorsed and socially shared normative beliefs on acculturation: Resources and risk factors for academic and psychosocial adjustment in mid-adolescence. Journal of Educational Psychology, 115(4), 589–608.
Journal Article
Ben-Shachar, M. S., Patil, I., Thériault, R., Wiernik, B. M., & Lüdecke, D. (2023). Phi, Fei, Fo, Fum: Effect sizes for categorical data that use the chi‑squared statistic. Mathematics, 11(9), Article 1982.
Journal Article
Bender, A. R., Driver, C. C., Hertzog, C., & Raz, N. (2023). Instructing use of an effective strategy improves recognition memory in healthy adults. The Journals of Gerontology: B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 78(3), 383–393.
Journal Article
Beukelaer, S. D., Vehar, N., Rollwage, M., Fleming, S. M., & Tsakiris, M. (2023). Changing minds about climate change: A pervasive role for domain-general metacognition. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 10, Article 46.
Journal Article
Binnewies, J., Nawijn, L., Brandmaier, A. M., Baaré, W. F. C., Boraxbekk, C.-J., Demnitz, N., Drevon, C. A., Fjell, A. M., Lindenberger, U., Skak Madsen, K., Nyberg, L., Topiwala, A., Walhovd, K. B., Ebmeier, K. P., & Penninx, B. W. J. H. (2023). Lifestyle-related risk factors and their cumulative associations with hippocampal and total grey matter volume across the adult lifespan: A pooled analysis in the European Lifebrain consortium. Brain Research Bulletin, 200, Article 110692.
Journal Article
Boker, S. M., von Oertzen, T., Pritikin, J. N., Hunter, M. D., Brick, T. R., Brandmaier, A. M., & Neale, M. C. (2023). Products of variables in structural equation models. Structural Equation Modeling, 30(5), 708–718.
Journal Article
Bouwer, F. L., Fahrenfort, J. J., Millard, S. K., Kloosterman, N. A., & Slagter, H. A. (2023). A silent disco: Differential effects of beat-based and pattern-based temporal expectations on persistent entrainment of low-frequency neural oscillations. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 35(6), 990–1020.
Journal Article
Brandt, N. D., Drewelies, J., Willis, S. L., Schaie, K. W., Ram, N., Gerstorf, D., & Wagner, J. (2023). Beyond Big Five trait domains: Stability and change in personality facets across midlife and old age. Journal of Personality, 91(5), 1171–1188.
Journal Article
Bridgers, S., De Simone, C., Gweon, H., & Ruggeri, A. (2023). Children seek help based on how others learn. Child Development, 94(5), 1259–1280.
Journal Article
Canada, K. L., Saifullah, S., Gardner, J. C., Sutton, B. P., Fabiani, M., Gratton, G., Raz, N., & Daugherty, A. M. (2023). Development and validation of a quality control procedure for automatic segmentation of hippocampal subfields. Hippocampus, 33(9), 993–1072.
Journal Article
Chai, K.-X., Xu, F., Swaboda, N., & Ruggeri, A. (2023). Preschoolers' information search strategies: Inefficient but adaptive. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, Article 1080755.
Journal Article
Chen, H., Belanger, M. J., Garbusow, M., Kuitunen-Paul, S., Huys, Q. J. M., Heinz, A., Rapp, M. A., & Smolka, M. N. (2023). Susceptibility to interference between Pavlovian and instrumental control predisposes risky alcohol use developmental trajectory from ages 18 to 24. Addiction Biology, 28(2), Article e13263.
Journal Article
Chen, H.-Y., Marxen, M., Dahl, M. J., & Glöckner, F. (2023). Effects of adult age and functioning of the locus coeruleus norepinephrinergic system on reward-based learning. The Journal of Neuroscience, 43(35), 6185–6196.
Journal Article
Chen, H.-Y., Parent, J. H., Ciampa, C. J., Dahl, M. J., Hämmerer, D., Maass, A., Winer, J., Yakupov, R., Inglis, B., Betts, M. J., & Berry, A. (2023). Interactive effects of locus coeruleus structure and catecholamine synthesis capacity on cognitive function. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 15, Article 1236335.
Journal Article
Ciranka, S., & Hertwig, R. (2023). Environmental statistics and experience shape risk-taking across adolescence. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 27(12), 1123–1134.
Journal Article
Claassen, M. A., Lomann, M., & Papies, E. K. (2023). Increased consumption despite fewer occasions: A longitudinal analysis of COVID-19 lockdown effects on soft drink consumption in England. Appetite, 187, Article 106579.
Journal Article
Dahl, M. J., Bachman, S. L., Dutt, S., Düzel, S., Bodammer, N. C., Lindenberger, U., Kühn, S., Werkle-Bergner, M., & Mather, M. (2023). The integrity of dopaminergic and noradrenergic brain regions is associated with different aspects of late-life memory performance. Nature Aging, 3(9), 1128–1143.
Journal Article
Dahl, M. J., Kulesza, A., Werkle-Bergner, M., & Mather, M. (2023). Declining locus coeruleus-dopaminergic and noradrenergic modulation of long-term memory in aging and Alzheimer’s disease. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 153, Article 105358.
Journal Article
Dallacker, M., Knobl, V., Hertwig, R., & Mata, J. (2023). Effect of longer family meals on children's fruit and vegetable intake: A randomized clinical trial. JAMA Network Open, 6(4), Article e236331.
Journal Article
De Santis, K. K., Pieper, D., Lorenz, R. C., Wegewitz, U., Siemens, W., & Matthias, K. (2023). User experience of applying AMSTAR 2 to appraise systematic reviews of healthcare interventions: A commentary. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 23, Article 63.
Journal Article
Delius, J. A. M., & Müller, V. (2023). Interpersonal synchrony when singing in a choir. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, Article 1087517.
Journal Article
Deserno, M. K., Bathelt, J., Groenman, A. P., & Geurts, H. M. (2023). Probing the overarching continuum theory: Data-driven phenotypic clustering of children with ASD or ADHD. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 32(10), 1909–1923.
Journal Article
Deserno, M. K., Fuhrmann, D., Begeer, S., Borsboom, D., Geurts, H. M., & Kievit, R. A. (2023). Longitudinal development of language and fine motor skills is correlated, but not coupled, in a childhood atypical cohort. Autism, 27(1), 133–144.
Journal Article
Doell, K. C., Berman, M. G., Bratman, G. N., Knutson, B., Kühn, S., Lamm, C., Pahl, S., Sawe, N., Van Bavel, J. J., White, M. P., & Brosch, T. (2023). Leveraging neuroscience for climate change research. Nature Climate Change, 13, 1288–1297.
Journal Article
Dong, M., Kupfer, T. R., Yuan, S., & van Prooijen, J.-W. (2023). Being good to look good: Self-reported moral character predicts moral double standards among reputation-seeking individuals. British Journal of Psychology, 114(1), 244–261.
Journal Article
Dorrough, A. R., Köbis, N., Irlenbusch, B., Shalvi, S., & Glöckner, A. (2023). Conditional bribery: Insights from incentivized experiments across 18 nations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 120(18), Article e2209731120.
Journal Article
Ehrenberg, A. J., Kelberman, M. A., Liu, K. Y., Dahl, M. J., Weinshenker, D., Falgàs, N., Dutt, S., Mather, M., Ludwig, M., Betts, M. J., Winer, J. R., Teipel, S., Weigand, A. J., Eschenko, O., Hämmerer, D., Leiman, M., Counts, S. E., Shine, J. M., Robertson, I. H., Levey, A. I., Lancini, E., Son, G., Schneider, C., Van Egroo, M., Liguori, C., Wang, Q., Vazey, E. M., Rodriguez-Porcel, F., Haag, L., Bondi, M. W., Vanneste, S., Freeze, W. M., Yi, Y.-J., Maldinov, M., Gatchel, J., Satpati, A., Babiloni, C., Kremen, W. S., Howard, R., Jacobs, H. I. L., & Grinberg, L. T. (2023). Priorities for research on neuromodulatory subcortical systems in Alzheimer's disease: Position paper from the NSS PIA of ISTAART. Alzheimer's & Dementia, 19(5), 2182–2196.
Journal Article
Elkin, J. A., McDowell, M., Yau, B., Machiri, S. V., Shanthi, P., Briand, S., Muneene, D., Nguyen, T., & Purnat, T. D. (2023). The good talk! A serious game to boost people’s competence to have open conversations about COVID-19: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial. JMIR Research Protocols, 12, Article e40753.
Journal Article
Engelmann, J. M., Haux, L. M., Völter, C., Schleihauf, H., Call, J., Rakoczy, H., & Herrmann, E. (2023). Do chimpanzees reason logically? [Registered Report]. Child Development, 94(5), 1102–1116.
Journal Article
Eppinger, B., Ruel, A., & Bolenz, F. (2023). Diminished state space theory of human aging. Perspectives on Psychological Science. Advance online publication.
Journal Article
Ernst, M. S., Peikert, A., Brandmaier, A. M., & Rosseel, Y. (2023). A note on the connection between trek rules and separable nonlinear least squares in linear structural equation models. Psychometrika, 88(1), 98–116.
Journal Article
Feng, X., & Rutherford, A. (2023). The dynamic resilience of urban labour networks. Royal Society Open Science, 10(7), Article 230214.
Journal Article
Ferreiro, D. N., Deroy, O., & Bahrami, B. (2023). Compromising improves forecasting. Royal Society Open Science, 10, Article 221216.
Journal Article
Fjell, A. M., Sørensen, Ø., Wang, Y., Amlien, I. K., Baaré, W. F. C., Bartrés-Faz, D., Boraxbekk, C.-J., Brandmaier, A. M., Demuth, I., Drevon, C. A., Ebmeier, K. P., Ghisletta, P., Kievit, R., Kühn, S., Skak Madsen, K., Nyberg, L., Solé-Padullés, C., Vidal-Piñeiro, D., Wagner, G., Watne, L. O., & Walhovd, K. B. (2023). Is short sleep bad for the brain? Brain structure and cognitive function in short sleepers. The Journal of Neuroscience, 43(28), 5241–5250.
Journal Article
Fjell, A. M., Sørensen, Ø., Wang, Y., Amlien, I. K., Baaré, W. F. C., Bartrés-Faz, D., Bertram, L., Boraxbekk, C.-J., Brandmaier, A. M., Demuth, I., Drevon, C. A., Ebmeier, K. P., Ghisletta, P., Kievit, R., Kühn, S., Skak Madsen, K., Mowinckel, A. M., Nyberg, L., Sexton, C. E., Solé-Padullés, C., Vidal-Piñeiro, D., Wagner, G., Watne, L. O., & Walhovd, K. B. (2023). No phenotypic or genotypic evidence for a link between sleep duration and brain atrophy. Nature Human Behaviour, 7, 2008–2022.
Journal Article
Fleur, D. S., van den Bos, W., & Bredeweg, B. (2023). Social comparison in learning analytics dashboard supporting motivation and academic achievement. Computers and Education Open, 4, Article 100130.
Journal Article
Friemelt, B., Bloszies, C., Ernst, M. S., Peikert, A., Brandmaier, A. M., & Koch, T. (2023). On the performance of different regularization methods in bifactor-(S-1) models with explanatory variables: Caveats, recommendations, and future directions. Structural Equation Modeling, 30(4), 560–573.
Journal Article
Ganesan, K., Smid, C. R., Thompson, A., Buchberger, E. S., Spowage, J., Iqbal, S., Phillips, H., & Steinbeis, N. (2023). Examining mechanisms of childhood cognitive control. Journal of Cognition, 6(1), Article 50.
Journal Article
Garvert, M. M., Saanum, T., Schulz, E., Schuck, N. W., & Doeller, C. F. (2023). Hippocampal spatio-predictive cognitive maps adaptively guide reward generalization. Nature Neuroscience, 26, 615–626.
Journal Article
Geers, M. (2023). Linking lab and field research. Nature Reviews Psychology, 2, 458.
Journal Article
Gehlenborg, J., Göritz, A. S., Moritz, S., & Kühn, S. (2023). Long-term effects of imaginal retraining in overweight and obesity: A controlled study. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 78, Article 101794.
Journal Article
Gerstorf, D., Ram, N., Drewelies, J., Duezel, S., Eibich, P., Steinhagen-Thiessen, E., Liebig, S., Goebel, J., Demuth, I., Villringer, A., Wagner, G. G., Lindenberger, U., & Ghisletta, P. (2023). Today’s older adults are cognitively fitter than older adults were 20 years ago, but when and how they decline is no different than in the past. Psychological Science, 34(1), 22–34.
Journal Article
Ghisletta, P., Dahle, C. L., & Raz, N. (2023). Age-related hearing loss, cognitive performance, and metabolic risk in healthy adults: A seven-year longitudinal study. The Journals of Gerontology: B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 78(3), 409–420.
Journal Article
Gigerenzer, G. (2023). How do narratives relate to heuristics? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 46, Article e94.
Journal Article
Giron, A. P., Ciranka, S., Schulz, E., van den Bos, W., Ruggeri, A., Meder, B., & Wu, C. M. (2023). Developmental changes in exploration resemble stochastic optimization. Nature Human Behaviour, 7, 1955–1967.
Journal Article
Gradassi, A., Slagter, S. K., da Silva Pinho, A., Molleman, L., & van den Bos, W. (2023). Network distance and centrality shape social learning in the classroom. School Psychology, 38(2), 67–78.
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Groß, J., Kreis, B. K., Blank, H., & Pachur, T. (2023). Knowledge updating in real-world estimation: Connecting hindsight bias and seeding effects. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 152(11), 3167–3188.
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Grüning, D. J., Riedel, F., & Lorenz-Spreen, P. (2023). Directing smartphone use through the self-nudge app one sec. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 120(8), Article e2213114120.
Journal Article
Hagura, N., Esmaily, J., & Bahrami, B. (2023). Does decision confidence reflect effort? PLoS ONE, 18(2), Article e0278617. pone.0278617
Journal Article
Hansen, M. J., Kurvers, R. H. J. M., Licht, M., Häge, J., Pacher, K., Dhellemmes, F., Trillmich, F., Elorriaga-Verplancken, F. R., & Krause, J. (2023). California sea lions interfere with striped marlin hunting behaviour in multi-species predator aggregations. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London: B, Biological Sciences, 378, Article 20220103.
Journal Article
Haux, L. M., Engelmann, J. M., Arslan, R. C., Hertwig, R., & Herrmann, E. (2023). Chimpanzee and human risk preferences show key similarities. Psychological Science, 34(3), 358–369.
Journal Article
Hensums, M., Brummelman, E., Larsen, H., van den Bos, W., & Overbeek, G. (2023). Social goals and gains of adolescent bullying and aggression: A meta-analysis. Developmental Review, 68, Article 101073.
Journal Article
Hertwig, R. (2023). The citizen choice architect in an ultra-processed world. Behavioural Public Policy, 7(4), 906–913.
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Hertwig, R. (2023). The real cause of our complicity: The preoccupation with human weakness. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 46, Article e161.
Journal Article
Holford, D., Fasce, A., Tapper, K., Demko, M., Lewandowsky, S., Hahn, U., Abels, C. M., Al-Rawi, A., Alladin, S., Boender, T. S., Bruns, H., Fischer, H., Gilde, C., Hanel, P. H. P., Herzog, S. M., Kause, A., Lehmann, S., Nurse, M. S., Orr, C., Pescetelli, N., Petrescu, M., Sah, S., Schmid, P., Sirota, M., & Wulf, M. (2023). Science communication as a collective intelligence endeavor: A manifesto and examples for implementation. Science Communication, 45(4), 539–554.
Journal Article
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