Honors and Awards 2020–2022/23
Last update: September 2023
Ahner, Helen Sign Up! Career Building Program 2023 “For Your Career” for Female Postdocs, Max Planck Society, 2022.
Dahl, Martin Margret and Paul Baltes Award, Developmental Psychology Section of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), 2021; Otto Hahn Medal, Max Planck Society, 2021; Junior Researcher Award 2021 (2nd place), Gesellschaft für Neuropsychologie (GNP), 2021.
El Zein, Marwa Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship 2021–2023, European Commission, 2020.
Frevert, Ute Appointed President, Max Weber Foundation, 2023; Sigmund-Freud-Preis für wissenschaftliche Prosa (Prize for Academic Prose), German Academy for Language and Literature, 2020; Ernst Hellmut Vits Prize, University of Münster, Germany, 2020; Book Award for Kapitalismus, Märkte und Moral, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2020; Appointed Member of the Council of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW), 2020; Appointed Member of the Presidium, German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, 2020.
Geers, Michael Add-on Fellowship for Interdisciplinary Business Administration, Joachim Herz Foundation, 2022; Graduate Travel Award, Society for Personality and Social Psychology, 2022; Graduate Student Conference Award, Psychonomic Society, 2022.
Gigerenzer, Gerd Larry H. Strasburger MD Award for the Outstanding Presentation to the Harvard Program in Psychiatry and the Law, Harvard Medical School, 2023; Science Communication Medal 2022, Max Planck Institutes Göttingen, 2022; Distinguished Educator Award, Society for Risk Analysis, 2021; Appointed Member of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina (Section Global Health), 2021; Appointed Member, Scientific Council of the European Research Council, 2020; Best TED talk 2020 (2nd place), awarded by Duke University Annual Hindsight Awards, 2020; Appointed Honorary Professor of the University of Potsdam, 2020.
Grossmann, Tobias Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Award for collaboration with the Center for Lifespan Psychology, Humboldt Foundation, 2022.
Grüneisen, Sebastian ERC Starting Grant 2020, European Research Council, 2020.
Hall-McMaster, Sam Fellow, Humboldt Foundation, 2021.
Hertwig, Ralph Appointed Member of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW), 2022; Appointed Member of the German National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech), 2021; Appointed Member to the Corona expert panel of the German Federal Government, 2021.
Hitzer, Bettina Leipzig Book Fair Prize 2020 for the Best Non-fiction Book Krebs fühlen: Eine Emotionsgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts (The history of cancer and emotions in twentieth-century Germany); Heisenberg Program, German Research Foundation (DFG), 2020.
Hong, Inho Young Statistical Physicist Award, The Korean Physical Society, 2021.
Köbis, Nils Best Presentation, Berlin Science Week, 2022; Finalist for the AI Newcomer of the Year, German Informatics Society, 2021.
Kosciessa, Julian Otto Hahn Medal 2022, Max Planck Society, 2022; Brain Products Young Scientist Award 2021, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychophysiologie und ihre Anwendung (DGPA), 2021.
Kozyreva, Anastasia / Wineburg, Sam / Lewandowsky, Stephan / Hertwig, Ralph Critical ignoring as a core competence for digital citizens designated as one of the 10 most impactful articles in 2022, Association for Psychological Research, 2023.
Kühn, Simone ERC Consolidator Grant 2022, European Research Council (ERC), 2023; Appointed Member of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, 2022; Research Grant, Strategic Innovation Fund, Max Planck Society, 2021.
Lämmert, Stephanie Research Grant, Volkswagen Foundation, 2022.
Linde-Domingo, Juan Ramón y Cajal Fellowship, Spanish State Research Agency and University of Granada, 2022.
Lindenberger, Ulman Appointed Foreign Member (Class for Social Sciences) of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, 2023; Appointed Vice President of the Max Planck Society, 2020.
Lorenz-Spreen, Philipp Leopoldina Prize for Young Scientists, German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, 2021.
Månsson, Kristoffer N.T. Best Oral Presentation, Alpine Brain Imaging Meeting, Champéry, Switzerland, 2020.
Månsson, Kristoffer N. T. / Waschke, Leonhard / Manzouri, Amirhossein / Furmark, Tomas / Fischer, Håkan / Garrett, Douglas D. Moment-to-moment brain signal variability reliably predicts psychiatric treatment outcome was a top-15 finalist for the Somerfeld-Ziskind Research Award from the Society of Biological Psychiatry and received an Honorable Mention, 2022.
Mayer, Karl Ulrich University Medal, University of Mannheim, 2021; Honorary Doctorate, European University Institute, Florence, 2021.
Mohammadi, Siawoosh ERC Consolidator Grant 2022, European Research Council (ERC), 2023.
Mühlroth, Beate Doctoral Dissertation Award 'Becker-Carus', German Sleep Society (DGSM), 2020.
Ngo, Chi (Zoe) Sign Up! Career Building Program 2023 “For Your Career” for Female Postdocs, Max Planck Society, 2022; Cermak-Corkin Postdoctoral Award, Memory Disorders Research Society, 2021; Jacobs Foundation Research Fellowship, Jacobs Foundation, 2021.
Pahl, Kerstin Maria Member of the presidium of the "Die Junge Akademie," Berlin Brandenburg Academy of Sciendes and Humanities, 2023; Fulbright Fellowship, Harvard University, 2023; Sign Up! Career Building Program 2022 "For Your Career" for Female Postdocs, Max Planck Society, 2021.
Pauley, Claire Poster Prize at “Psychologie & Gehirn” Annual Conference, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychophysiologie und ihre Anwendung (DGPA), 2021.
Pernau, Margrit Research Fellow, International Centre of Advanced Studies: Metamorphoses of the Political (ICAS: MP), Delhi, 2020; Appointed Chair of the Advisory Committee of the India Branch Office, Max Weber Stiftung Delhi, 2020.
Petzka, Marit Brain Products Young Scientist Award 2022, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychophysiologie und ihre Anwendung (DGPA), 2022.
Rahwan, Iyad Listed as one of the most distinguished Arab AI experts, MIT Technology Review, 2022; Best Poster Presentation, International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2), 2020; One of 30 thinkers to watch, Thinkers50 Radar, 2020.
Sarıoğlu, Esra Best Book Award 2023 for The body unburdened. Violence, emotions, and the New Woman in Turkey, ASA Section on Sociology of Body & Embodiment, American Sociological Association, 2023.
Schakowski, Alexander Presentation Award (best student talk), Early-Career Social Learning Researchers, 2022.
Spitzer, Bernhard Heisenberg Program, German Research Foundation (DFG), 2021; ERC Consolidator Grant 2020, European Research Council (ERC), 2020.
Stille, Max Walter Witzenmann Prize 2020, Heidelberg Academy of Sciences, 2020.
Thoma, Anna Isabel Graduate Conference Award, Psychonomic Society, 2020.
Turner, Tamara Early Career Prize 2022, British Forum for Ethnomusicology, 2022.
Vaish, Amrisha Max Planck Sabbatical Award for collaboration with the Center for Lifespan Psychology, Max Planck Society, 2021.
Wagner, Gert G. Appointed APS Fellow, Association for Psychological Science, 2023; Reelected Member, German Federal Government’s Social Advisory Council (Sozialbeirat der Bundesregierung), 2022; Appointed Fellow of the Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB), 2022.
Wittkuhn, Lennart ReproNim/INCF Training Fellowship Program 2020–2021, ReproNim & International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (INCF), 2020.
Wegwarth, Odette Heisenberg Professorship for Medical Risk Literacy & Evidence-Based Decisions, German Research Foundation (DFG), 2020.
Wertz, Annie E. Don Symons Award for best paper of last 3 years, How plants shape the mind, Human Behavior and Evolution Society, 2023.
Wertz, Annie E. / Gerdemann, Stella Margo Wilson Award for 18-month-olds use different cues to categorize plants and artifacts, Human Behavior and Evolution Society, 2022.
Zilker, Veronika Q. Heinz Heckhausen Prize, German Psychological Society (DGPs), 2022; Gender Research Award, Department of Education and Psychology at Freie Universität Berlin, 2021.