Institute Structure
Board of Directors
Ute Frevert
Ralph Hertwig (Managing Director since July 2023)
Ulman Lindenberger
Iyad Rahwan
Scientific Advisory Board
Research Centers
Center for Adaptive Rationality
Director: Ralph Hertwig
Center for the History of Emotions
Director: Ute Frevert
Center for Humans and Machines
Director: Iyad Rahwan
Center for Lifespan Psychology
Director: Ulman Lindenberger
Lise Meitner Group
Lise Meitner Group for Environmental Neuroscience
Head: Simone Kühn
Emmy Noether Group
Lifespan Neural Dynamics Group (LNDG)
Head: Douglas Garrett
ERC-Funded Research Group
Adaptive Memory and Decision Making Group
Head: Bernhard Spitzer
Max Planck Research Groups
Biosocial | Biology, Social Disparities, and Development
Head: Laurel Raffington
iSearch | Information Search, Ecological and Active Learning Research with Children
Head: Azzurra Ruggeri
Naturalistic Social Cognition
Head: Annie E. Wertz
NeuroCode | Neural and Computational Basis of Learning, Memory and Decision Making
Head: Nicolas W. Schuck
Structured Graduate Education
International Max Planck Research School on the Life Course (LIFE)
Max Planck School of Cognition (MPSCog)
Max Planck Dahlem Campus of Cognition (MPDCC)
Core lab facilities
Open Space
Flexible office space
Service Units
Central Services
Library and Research Information Unit
Press and Public Relations
Technical Services